Submissions, commenting and voting for SOCAP Open 2016 is now closed. Featuring content created and produced by our community is key to SOCAP’s impact, relevance and meaning.

If you submitted, thank you for sending us your ideas for SOCAP Open! Selected sessions will be announced in a few weeks.

Sign up for our Newsletter to get all the latest news on SOCAP Open.

If you missed the deadline this year, you’ll have your chance again in 2017!

Together we will convene conversations at the intersection of money and meaning in San Francisco this September.

Questions about the selection process?


Think Big, Start Small.

Helena Hounsel, New Story Charity

How do you turn an idea into a big impact? Socially minded entrepreneurs and investors have great aspirations, but they face the overwhelming problem of figuring out how to start. What’s the common theme among those who create social change? They think big, but start small. Every audaciously big goal has actionable small steps that are the real key to making things happen. At New Story, a few unlikely people came together to change the way people live in tent slums all over the world by building sustainable communities. But we first had to start with 1 home. Learn how you can change the world by using the same principles we used to raise $500K+ with our minimum viable product, get into Y Combinator as a nonprofit, and fund 300+ homes.
entrepreneurship, Impact Investing, Latin America, Social Founders, Sustainable Communities
Not Applicable
Keynote Speaker: Brett Hagler, New Story Charity

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